Hey Couples! 

Discover The 10 Strategies To Strengthen The Communication, Improve Behavior, & Increase the Intimacy in Your Relationship In 30 Days

Want To See the “30 Day Love System”  We Use To Help Couples Create a Deeper Connection in their Relationships? Find Out How for Just $4.99

The 30 Day Love System is a one-time Payment of $4.99 and you will get an immediate digital download PLUS the FREE Bonus at no additional cost. 

Hey Couples: 

Want to know how to have better communication with your significant other? 

Would you like to connect with your significant other at a deeper level? 

Do you want a relationship with more Fun & Excitement? 

Here's the secret:

No More Petty Arguments, Lack of Affection, Jealousy, or Feeling Disconnected. Just The 30 Day Love System.  

My Wife and I have been together for over 18 years. 

Earlier in our relationship with both struggled with things that negatively affected our relationship. 

This turned into us having petty arguments over little things, unnecessary stress, and ultimately us both feeling disconnected from each other in our relationship.  

Fast forward to today, we are now in a place where we truly enjoy each other's presence and want to see each other win in all aspects of life. We are more connected now more than we have ever been! 

So  how did we get to this point in our relationship? 

We began implementing strategies which later became the 30 Day Love System. 

Over the years we began to add more strategies to the system and the results were incredible! 

Obviously, we can't promise that you will read this book and get the exact same results we had. It takes 100% commitment & consistency from both partners. 

The 30 Day Love System is not for everyone, but if you are serious about taking your relationship to the next level (and willing to put the work in), you will see a difference in your relationship after the 30 days. 

What Are Couples Already Saying About The 30 Day Love System?

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"Insert Quote Here"
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"Insert Quote Here"
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"Insert Quote Here"
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Strengthen Communication, Improve Behavior, & Increase Intimacy in Your Relationship Using  "The 30 Day Love System" 

The 30 Day Love System is a one-time Payment of $4.99 and you will get an immediate  digital download PLUS the FREE Bonus at no additional cost. 

This book has multiple strategies & techniques we have learned and developed over the last 18+ years to create a relationship by design that we desired and deserved. 

We can send you a book if you want... 

It's only $4.99 

If not, it's all good! 

We wrote this specifically for Couples who want to Level Up in their Relationships. 

    Inside the 30 Day Love System You Will Discover: 

    •  How to Improve your Health and Relationship at the same time 
    • How to put a Smile on your Partners Face with this 30 second strategy
    • How To Be Intentional in you Relationship 
    • How to Connect with your Partner on a deeper level
    • How to keep it Spicy in Your Relationship
    •  How to Learn your Partner's Communication Style
    •  How to Effectively Communicate with Each Other
    • Ways to Show Appreciation 
    • And so much more!

    This book also includes self-assessments and exercises to help you get started with the 30 Day Love System sooner (for best results). 

    The 30 Day Love System is a one-time Payment of $4.99 and you will get an immediate digital download PLUS the FREE Bonus at no additional cost. 

    This System Works Even If You Think Don't Have Time For This

    Most of the Strategies Take Less than 10 Minutes per Day!

    Get The 30 Day Love System Book Now &
    These FREE Bonus! 

    Bonus - Get the FREE Audiobook

    This 4 Hour Audiobook is Included When You Order The 30 Day Love System 

    Are You More of an Audiobook Type of Person? 

    Get your Copy of the Book Now, and We Will Include the Audiobook Version of the 30 Day Love System for FREE. 

    (Insert Audiobook Photo HERE)

    The 30 Day Love System is a one-time Payment of $4.99 and you will get an immediate digital download PLUS the FREE Bonus at no additional cost. 

    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and we hope that you enjoy reading the 30 Day Love System!

    We 100% believe the strategies in this book will make a positive impact in the Relationships of many couples because we have seen the transformation impact it has made in our Relationship. 

    In Fact, if you read this book with your significant other and apply the strategies from this book together for 30 Days and do not see an improvement in your Relationship...

    ... just let our team know with a quick email to Connect@MeetTheSmalls.com and we will send you a refund for your book purchase (minus processing fees) right away. 

    This is a 60 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. 

    Get The Book and The FREE Bonus Today for Just $4.99

    The 30 Day Love System is a one-time Payment of $4.99 and you will get an immediate digital download PLUS the FREE Bonus at no additional cost. 

    P. S. Here is a Quick Recap for those who scrolled all the way to the end:

    1. A Digital Copy of the 30 Day Love System 

    2.  FREE Bonus (x Hours)  Audiobook (narrated by the Brandon & Vonna Small)

    Get The Book and The FREE Bonus Today for Just $4.99

    The 30 Day Love System is a one-time Payment of $4.99 and you will get an immediate digital download PLUS the FREE Bonus at no additional cost. 

    Meet The Smalls

    We met at the age of 18 in Long Beach California. 

    From the beginning, we wanted to create a relationship that was drama free and sustainable. We began consistently reading tons of books and attending live conferences to grow our knowledge on what it takes to have a great relationship. 

    In addition to this, we began  testing and implementing different strategies over an 18 year period to see which strategies worked best. 

    From there, we took our most successful strategies and put them into our 30 Day Love System. 

    We are confident that when you and your partner consistently implement these strategies together, you both will begin to see positive results in your Relationship in as little as 30 Days. 

    We're excited for you to hop into the book! 

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